Boric acid itch reddit

I reduced all chafing by wearing skirts and using a bidet, used ice during the day and a heating pad at night for pain, antihistamines. I've found that a thin layer of vaseline protects me from that irritation though. ago. I tried yogurt but didn’t see much or a result. You will need to get an antibiotic from the doctor. Note: these did give me a yeast infection so I stopped using them after day 3. I'm experiencing some itchiness and some other symptoms I'm pretty sure is a bv flare up. i wasn’t sure if it was safe to continue using boric acid or if i should go get monistat? or if i should just wait for my period to end? idk. I have been lurking around the subs and seeing most of you praise boric acid. I had BV last week and took half-doses of metronidazole per my doctor’s recommendation as to avoid a yeast infection after. My PH would always be off after my period so I’d use them for a few days after my cycle. I stopped the boric acid and I've stopped using soap there completely. It's life saving and I rely on it myself. This is a really difficult situation I’m sorry you’re going through it. I have a great sex life with my husband now from this, and feel much healthier! Reply. I got ph-D from Target and did my first dose on Friday. When do you use boric acid do you feel itchy down there? I’m worried of wasting my time, or maybe this is an average side effect and some days after finishing it I’ll feel good! Locked post. Tried Monistat 3 and another round Diflucan - still had burn/itch. I was thinking of trying boric acid but I am concerned because most of my symptoms are external. Around 3 weeks ago, I noticed Queen V had their own Boric Acid suppositories available and decided to do a little research. Do the 7 day treatment and that alone. PostcoitalHeartbreak. i do not want to go to the doctor over a small thing like this unless it were to get worse. I am now experiencing severe itching, discomfort, swelling, and fishy odor. Aside from that, no smell/weird discharge, but my main concern was the itching I had originally, which is why I was taking the Boric Acid just to fend any lingering BV off. I’ve used boric acid for the last 5 days and will stop using it for the time being. I'm itching more than I did from the infection and the irritation has caused my interstitial cystitis to flare up. But I was still red and irritated around my labia. 5 WPO) but would once I’m maybe yeast infection, should i use boric acid or monistat? i suspect myself of having a yeast infection as i am super itchy. It's been over 30 days and I still have a little soreness, so don't be surprised if it takes a long time to recover. I was given three Diflucan pills to be taken 3 days apart, starting that Thursday. No less than 830mgo! Get some empty veg capsules and full with honey and put in the fridge, use once or twice a day. sorry if i’m annoying. Boric acid is a miracle! Now I always keep a bottle and use a suppository as a preventative measure if I ever start to feel 'funny' or slightly off down there and everything immediately goes back to normal. . I even got tested twice for everything. After five nights of boric acid, I noticed my discharge had become normal and the inside of my vagina and near vaginas opening felt much better. I’ve used boric acid suppositories before and have had amazing success. however, the itch - although disappearing for the first couple of days of treatment - is persisting. I'll update at the end of my treatments and see if I find relief! UPDATE 08/29: I finished anti-fungal medication for 4 weeks. As someone that had chronic yeast infections (and occasionally BV) for almost an entire year, the only thing that actually made it go away was boric acid. Metro gel topical 5 days - by day 4 had yeast again! Treated with Monistat 7. After I started the boric acid vaginal suppository I noticed I have had really bad lower back pain, is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this? Hi work in vaginal health and we have helped over 50,000 teaching them about boric acid. couldn’t be more grateful. If you deff do, I would do monistat 7 day. I was so raw two nights ago and desperate I actually stuck a boric acid vaginal suppository up there. PhD brand is a good one. I saw a Dr again who advised boric acid. So I took it last night. throughout the ENTIRE treatment the odour i had is now gone. They would clear up BV within a day or two for me. • 10 mo. i was wondering about side effects i’m slightly irritated and red down there, with the slightest bit of itching (this is only in the very outside of vaginal entrance) and outer vulva dryness. ive read things about using boric acid suppositories to fix the itching or Posted by u/True-Amoeba - 9 votes and 4 comments Tldr: I will be trying boric acid suppositories tonight for a yeast infection that is not resolved after a 3-pill series of Diflucan and will follow-up with results. Im two nights into it and honestly feel like my symptoms are getting worse. I thought it could be eczema but I have been treating it for 2 weeks and no improvement. Too much boric acid + lactic acid I’ve been dealing with an awful BV during years so a doctor sent me suppositories of boric acid 600mg and lactic acid 100mg during a whole month. it’s a horribly uncomfortable awful itch that i thought the boric acid would help treat but it hasn This one is so important and i wish we could get boric acid easier, this way women would stop doing dangerous things to get rid of their itch while waiting for help. I haven’t used them since my hysterectomy (I’m still only 2. I thought it still might be a yeast infection so I stopped the boric acid suppositories and took canestan oral pill. Got tested and both UTI and yeast came out My concern is that now, I am still having some residual symptoms like occasional discharge and itching. Boric acid side effects? so i’ve used the boric acid i had for 14 days now to get rid of the stubborn 3 month long thrush i had. New-Studio-6394. Not sure if you use condoms for protection, but if not, I’ve done some reading that a guys semen can sometimes be too basic, for you to keep a healthy vaginal oh balance. I am new here. OMG…the discharge 80-90% went away and I was SHOCKED. The std tests and culture tests came back all clear. Don’t get down into my Hygiene is also very well, I shower about every 1-2 days, sometimes twice a day, I don't use any harsh soaps, or any soaps down there at all, just hot water, nor do I use any products. after a week of daily boric acid at night + probiotic at day, the local infection should be gone, but to maintain results some people do the same regime 1 day/week for as long as I missed a night or two of boric acid due to being exhausted from work and just other stress and anxiety. There is no actual irritation that I can tell, but there is discomfort. If you have tried boric acid specifically to treat a yeast infection (not BV), please let me know your experience. Hello! My doctor sent me boric acid during a month after an awful and recurrent BV. The itch will last longer (steroids stop the itch by stopping the inflammation by dampening the immune response), but it should stay away, especially if you keep using the cream for 1-2 weeks after the symptoms have gone. This was my 3rd colposcopy (HPV / high grade cells). it hasn’t helped that much for the itching, the only thing that has helped is boric acid suppositories. I decided this time to try boric acid suppositories because my gynecologist had an appointment in two weeks. boric acid burn I’ve been experiencing an itchy vulva mainly the clit and I used antifungal and hydrozole to aid (made a previous post) and neither worked so i used boric acid and diaper cream with zinc oxide which really helped the itching. Checkout my site for purposes of the reviews. brown diarrhea-like discharge after boric acid. However, I’ve read how BA kills off good bacteria as well which I absolutely can If you have tried boric acid specifically to treat a yeast infection (not BV), please let me know your experience. Make sure the area is completely dry. That’s basically prescription version of monistat. background: i got an external yeast infection in november, and long story short while some medications have helped none have made it go away. Boric acid supps are the best. Finished antibiotics and still had UTI and yeast symptoms. this is the first seemingly random yeast infection i’ve ever gotten (the other times i was Hi!. Boric acid may be the way to go here. I did an exam today and found a lump where it itches. Oh, and I tried a vaginal probiotic last night recommended on a thread but within an hour it started to itch, so I got my finger and cleaned it out. It got better after a 5 day dose of metrogel, then my period happened, everything was fine-then this past week it started itching and burning again. I've been using boric acid every night or every other night for BV for the past three months, the last two weeks it's stopped relieving my symptoms. sadieb1. An example of over use would be many times a week or every day past 14 days. arieslibrascorpio. Just the overwhelming BV smell. Your discharge should not be grainy or dry, that is not normal. I’ve had people say boric acid cured them overnight, so shouldn’t I be feeling a little better already? I used the boric acid twice a day for 6 days and im now using it once a day for another week and then ongoing for the next few months progressively less (hopefully). Obligatory post about boric acid suppositories. The first time I used it. I'm also going to do boric acid suppositories for two weeks. I called the dr and they said sometimes another pill will help. One right before bed for 3/4 nights and you’ll be good as new! The back of the box should tell you how long a course is, I’ve never needed a full course, within a few days I’m back to normal! 2. Boric acid and probiotic suppositories. So now I'm worried it's cancer. If the boric acid in the capsule is a grainy texture, it has not been ground down fine enough to be fully effective and I was diagnosed with BV (low score) and yeast infection a month ago, took medication but I have on and off vaginal itch, I’m on pretty strong antibacterial meds (rifampin) for latent TB. Went back as I was still itching - by this time it’s Jan 11. if anyone has used any specific brands that have worked for them please let me know!! i'd appreciate it a lot! Need Boric Acid Cleanup Minus The Lung Cancer : r/Austin - Reddit true Yesterday I took my second dose for a chronic yi, have to take one more in three days. My vulvar is super sensitive and painful to the touch and very red. It stops the smell, itch, and pain. I’ve been recommended boric acid so I figured I’d give it a shot. i’m just frustrated. It's also definitely possible your partner has it and is asymptomatic but passing it back to you. I just finished it and I feel worse than before, a lot of internal itching but I’ve never had bad smell. I'm panicking and I'm so worried. I have Gastro intestinal issues, so probiotics. This is not a specific answer to your question but I wanted to share that I also have a copper iud, I started to get repetitive yeast infections and I tried using boric acid for a while. Thelastunicorn80. After the 3rd day, woke up with raging UTI symptoms. a couple days ago (2 weeks after my yeast infection went away) i started having my common yeast infection symptoms, just the insane The otc monistat was always way too harsh for me and basically burned my insides. Reply. I started the boric acid suppositories as normal using a suppositories applicator and the smell was gone by the end of the 2nd day before I put in the 3rd suppository. They're called BoriCap Boric Acid Suppositories - 30 Count, 600mg - Restores pH and Normal Vaginal Health - Feminine Hygiene Products I've read studies and lots of anecdotal stories about boric acid suppositories helping when used in the vagina. I never used soaps or deodorants around my girl as I knew it would be counter productive, but there were some days that I would be so embarrassed that I hardcore considered it. Once the treatment is done, the next day you can resume boric acid. a month ago i was diagnosed with BV (even though i had 0 symptoms) took clindamycin cream and it worked, then got a yeast infection a week later. I’ve been dealing with BV for a month. 3 weeks ago at the end of my period I felt a little itchy so used boric acid for 3 days. This dosing is typically not over use as there is time in between for the body to recover. ( u/Illustrious-Golf4057 ) Boric acid will, temporarily, bring the vagina to 5. I’ve been using the cream since Wednesday night. It happened nearly every time we had sex. I don't have HIV/compromised immune system, diabetes, all that, so on. I called my doctor who recommend trying boric acid for 7 days. Hey babe, boric acid is powdery so when mixed with your discharge, it creates a watery consistency. I did it for the second time last night and this morning I had a yellowish discharge and clear discharge. I was taking probiotics - like a lot - from March 2019 until February 2020. i feel like now i am almost back to normal, honestly felt relief after just 1 use I have a mild yeast infection ( white chunky discharge/no itching) and am currently using boric acid. when i urinate there The first time I went to the Dr, took the antibiotics and it went away. I also took pinworm medication. Share. I noticed the itch from the gel went away since putting in a boric acid suppository last night. I personally use it for 3-5 days because that’s how long it sometimes takes to knock out my symptoms. MY EXPERIENCE OF BORIC ACID FOR TREATING THRUSH (YEAST INFECTION): TL;DR: The boric acid completely resolved my chronic, anti-fungal-resistant yeast infection within 3 days. I'm on the fourth day and I already feel very good, the discharge is gone and I only have a little itch on the vaginal lips, which I put on an antifungal boric acid helped some symptoms but not all Treatments ๐Ÿ’Š hi! i’ve been religiously using this sub for the past few months. Out of all the companies that could possibly make a good soap i would think it would be Monistat. When to stop Boric Acid. A few days ago I saw a lot of secretions like cottage and I had severe itching. She wants to start me on 600mg of boric acid suppositories for 5 days then 2x weekly for 3 months. woke up next day and was itching & burning like a mf because my ph was off again. I went ahead with the 2 week course of boric acid after that. I used one PhD boric acid suppository on 12/7. Most only need one to get rid of BV. I’ve struggled with chronic bv for years! I didn’t even realize until I went to the gyno for the first time last year and got a call a few days later I tested positive. Yes you can. The itching went away but only for a few days, then I went to the G Boric acid suppositories were the only thing that worked for me, as well! No prescription meds could get rid of my infection. The boric acid suppositories prevented this for me! I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link the ones I use, but I got them on Amazon. hey yall, sorry for that jump scare but u can only imagine how I felt this morning seeing that. I’ll add photos in the comments Boric acid help!! how long will it take to get rid of my chronic bv itch away? i used boric acid 5 days ago honestly my symptoms went down like crazy but i still experience abit of itchiness and pain I’ve used boric acid with my iud on multiple occasions and it’s never been an issue. I also wear cotton underwear, or at least 90% cotton and above, they're not tight either 3. . Not a finer moment, I just ended up ordering boric acid cream instead but it hasn’t come yet. 5 years after a bout of antibiotics for a UTI. EDIT: For anyone confused, antibiotics can often cause vaginal yeast infections. My problem is I’m flying away tonight and I couldn’t sleep last night because I felt so uncomfortable and I’m having anxiety thinking about having an itch episode while on my trip. Ladies most of the tips here are from listening to you over the years plus from my own experience dealing with genital psoriasis and chronic vulvar ulcers. The boric acid also caused lower abdominal cramps for me and I noticed it was more and more difficult to get it into my vagina each night, like the tissue at the entrance was somewhat irritated and swollen. Boric acid won't hurt you. doctor prescribed boric acid for a yeast inf im having trouble clearing just woke up from using it last night and i am extremely itchy and irritated I saw recommendations for boric acid from this sub and decided to give it a try when i started feeling an itch about a week ago. I will say you’ll feel less irritation if you do it right before bed and if two days ago, i noticed i was itching and had clumpy discharge, so i started using boric acid that night and yesterday night. So I’ve been doing boric acid suppositories for the last 4 years. I did a second suppository last night and im super wet down there, which I know is pretty normal. Started 7 days of macrobid and was also using boric acid every other day to prevent yeast infection. The thing is that I feel itchy sometimes during the day, maybe a little bit more than before starting the treatment. Well, the symptoms came back within a few days, so I started using Azo boric acid suppositories four days ago. I also tried lactic acid but didn’t work either. First time posting, needing advice!! I had a colposcopy done 9 days ago. scared to try boric acid. • 17 hr. It took about 6 days for me to feel better, and the boric acid can burn a litttleee when it dissolves and comes out the next day, but it's nothing painful or intolerable. We had been trying for 6 months so this was devastating to say the least. my vagina isn't producing a foul smell and it's not feeling itchy or anything, but i have heard that using boric acid suppositories is a good way to "refresh" it and make sure that my ph levels are all balanced. Gyn gave me a topical steroid for seven days. You can’t really go wrong with boric acid. 2 weeks post miscarrying, I had the most intense vaginal itching that I have ever Hi all - I have been seeing a vaginal specialist regarding recurring itching down there. I'm scared that once the pill is out of my system it will come back again, so as precautionary measures I bought boric acid suppositories on amazon. Had another swab and yeast culture this time came back positive for BV only. this morning i started my period. Fact sheets on how to insert a boric acid suppository when you have inflammation plus general tips on caring for genital skin. However, when I was prescribed boric acid at a gynecologist visit it was a major game changer. I tried literally everything from home remedies to difluncan and none of it worked. She swabbed me and sent off a culture, turns out I have recurring cyclic yeast. Always so much pain. 0pH which is a pH that facilitate the virulization of BVAB as well as lactobacillus is typically unable to survive at this level. com. I've also been using refined coconut oil on the itchy spots - on the clitoris, perineum and anus, and have inserted some into the anus too which has seemed to help a little. • 4 mo. not too much discharge but the itching is crazy. This time, there is discharge and the same irritating itch. 14. The first two days were okay, but the last two days have been awful. Currently on day 7 of boric acid - discharge has gone since around day 2 (only get the water discharge from boric acid) but I am still itching on and off throughout the day. I've had cysts my whole life and they have NEVER itched. I started to think I had developed some food allergy or something Boric. I'm worried it's vulvar cancer because of the persistent localized itching. If BA doesn't work test for Ureaplasma. The best I've found manuka honey. I wonder whether the itching is a side effect of the boric acid - I feel quite irritated down below. i was given diflucan and it worked. I used it for one night and i felt totally fine the next day so i didn’t repeat. Negative for BV. We are an inclusive, supportive community where individuals with vaginas/vulvas, however they may…. The cramping usually starts in the morning but kinda dissipates throughout the day. It all started 2 months ago, I had a UTI and I took antibiotics, but then the itching started and I decided to use Monistat 1. Ingesting large quantities of boric acid can cause a severe rash, skin loss and even i am on night 4 of using them to cure what i think was a yeast infection/bv flare up? last week i had just finished treating my previously diagnosed yeast & bv, waited 2 days, had a little fun with the guy ive been seeing and boom. After about 4-5 days the yeast seemed to clear up, my discharge was/is watery from the boric acid and I was starting to feel normal again. Developed a chronic YI for 1. I’m also taking oral probiotics daily. Since I was still experiencing some itch and some unusual discharge, from time to time, my new doctor suspected cytolytic vaginosis. Normally, prior to my period I have some ph changes and ultimately vaginal itching/yeast infections. There are no other symptoms, no irritation, no itching, no discharge. I’m having this issue where the opening of my vagina slightly burns. Smell and discharge immediately returned so I was back at square one. i’m on day 10? of inserting boric acid suppositories. I'm still using it but I'm now really itchy, and the odor is back. BV was still somewhat there after the 5-day course so i took boric acid (phD Some women need to use boric acid as a preventative but the dosing is typically a 300-600 mg suppository inserted 1-2 times per week and some need to do this long term. The itching seems to go down when I use them this way. • 4 yr. But i felt another itch coming again so i used it for 2 nights in a row before stopping. Award. Acid. Have you ever had a tampon not far in enough so it’s right at the opening and it hurts a bit? It feels similar to that. Another swab and culture - no bv or yeast. I plan on inserting some Boric Acid this evening after work, but in the mean time to combat the itchiness, would a "paste" work ? Spread on the labia/clitoris that's itchy? Or should it only be used internally? I use boric acid when things feel off down there (itching or burning or when I know I’m about to get an infection) usually after one of my hooha’s triggers like premature penetration (jumping the gun if you will), not enough lubrication, letting him finish inside me, or sometimes after going to the beach, shaving to close to the entrance, or getting soap in there. Can I used them while on treatment or will it interfiere with the medicine? Also is brain fog a correlation of candida or fluconazole? Yesterday I took Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Prickly/itchy pubic hair After last dose of boric acid, yeast infection finally gone ๏ธ‍๐Ÿฉน If it was lichen sclerosus the prescription steroid would have most likely improved your symptoms unless it was an extremely weak steroid. i'm genuinely curious about it. Use boric acid suppositories. serenityph. So I am gonna tell my story. Steroids also impair the local immune response and allow the fungus to grow try to get a non-steroid antifungal. No itching. You can also do a sitz bath or ACV bath to help alleviate external itching if the cream isn't working. Boric Acid can be used for things that affect your vagina like yeast or BV, but it won't be effective on your urinary tract. The symptoms are similar to a yeast infection, and can also be reoccurring. Hey y’all!! Just started using boric acid this week as recommended by my doctor and WOW!! Any itching/ inflammation I had is now gone. I also find it EXTREMELY interesting that it includes boric Acid. I tried boric acid suppository last night and it slightly helped There are studies where people used boric acid for recurrent BV for weeks, so you are definitely good to keep using it. UPDATE 08/02: I got cottage cheese discharge ๐Ÿ˜” I'm on 4 doses of anti-fungal medication, taken once a week for 4 weeks. No. After only one use the smell was already gone. Anyone have any opinions or experiences with this cleanser. Used boric acid like a dummy. Sep 21, 2023 ยท Ingesting boric acid can cause stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea and vomit that may be blue-green in color. Treated the yi with fluconazole and then bought a new package to continue and finished the full 7 day treatment. 8. I tried sitz baths with baking soda or apple cider vinegar and then blew dry the area with a warm blow dryer. Honestly boric acid did nothing for me. However recently in the last 2 days I’ve been experiencing itching from what I believe to be the grains of boric acid. Sleeping w/o underwear. This formula is made by him in Perú and is not too strong as the ones you can find normally. All brands work the same so buy whatever is cheapest Www. Doctor said I can use it for 7 days to treat. 89K subscribers in the Healthyhooha community. boric acid suppository for suspected chronic bv - weird discharge ?? so i've had a funky odor/ discharge that smells off or sometimes doesnt smell at all and itching on and off with normal periods for the last like year or two - I thought it was just irritation for the longest time but i do everything i can to prevent irritation like only That’s why I’m afraid to try the boric acid. I had a miscarriage at the end of June at 8 weeks pregnant. I was never really itchy or irritated ever, just had strange discharge sometimes and my vulva was always kinda red. I still decided to continue use as the bottle says to use for 7 days which I did last time as well. I was clinically diagnosed with a yeast infection (Candida albicans) last Thursday (swabbed and PCR test ran). Boric acid definitely irritates my labia and anus, even if I shower as soon as I get up. Not the 3 day. In hindsight, I probably should’ve continued using it. rj jq tk wt jd ce tl he kq pa