Reverse hyper herniated disc reddit

a herniated L5 S1 Spinal Disk image on wikipedia. So I found out I have a herniated disc and fragment that's pressing on a nerve root in my L5 area in my lower back. Saw 20 different health care providers (PTs, Chiro, RMT etc). Just make sure if you do yoga that the positions are fairly pain free. But nothing that causes shear across the disc. At this point, I had no idea that the initial pain was related to my back. Personal advice: You need to be very careful here. facebook. 8. Worst pain I've ever felt in my life. Share. 1. I herniated my l4-l5 18 months ago. Bottom line: do your home stretches and the exercises your physio recommended. Now, after two weeks of this dead hang, plank, swim daily routine I am completely symptom free. the pain was nonstop to the point the orthopedic surgeon put me on a cocktail of nerve blocker, muscle relaxer, and oxy. People tell me squats and deadlifts are a way to fix herniation and back pain. Anyone have any insight or anything experience with the above? I’ve heard mixed messages on decompression not doing much from my orthopedic. Reverse hypers, obviously, but I found that leg extensions, and hamstring curls work great on here. A herniated disc might have begun as a bulging disc, but created so much pressure on the outer wall of the disc that a rupture occurred. Mine is a severe protrusion pushing on the nerve roots at t9/t10 and I get so much rib pain, aches, muscles spasms when I go from sitting to standing or standing to walking. [deleted] • 14 yr. Rebuilding the Reverse Hyper. powerrackstrength. 2-3 days later I was walking with a walker. I was powerlifting at the time. A back brace might help you to keep your spine in neutral. If it's something minor, I'd recommend resting so that it doesn't turn into something severe. I recommend yoga and swimming as good exercise. So much that I was in tears and pure agony. Full disclosure, the following is not medical advice but what worked for me. By the way running is the WORST thing ever for cervical herniated discs. 2 days after I did it, I could barely walk and was dealing with lots of nerve pain. I've been planking and doing McGills big 3 + other yoga positions and just trying to be as active as possible. Told me we might have to consider surgery). First time it took almost a year, but I also followed my doctors advice of not lifting weights. With today's new video what we're going to be t Herniated L4/L5, L5/S1, born without an S1/S2. Source: I herniated a disc in December of 2010 and still haven't gotten completely over it. The disc is pushing out and putting pressure on your nerves. He suggested rescue medications of NSAID (etodolac) with muscle relaxers when I had pain episodes, as well as global posture reeducation sessions to 2. Depending on these factors the recovery might be different. Story time: Around the age of 20, I had taken up weight lifting to help me cope with my mild depression at the time and the fact that I had a lot of free time. That was more likely caused by lifting than BJJ though. Quote: The reverse hyperextension is effective in rehabilitating a herniated disc due to the following: It will build muscle in your posterior chain including your lower back, glutes and hamstrings. Exercising with this machine helps to gently pull the vertebra apart creating space in between the vertebrae. If you have access to a gym, see if they have a reverse hyper machine. I herniated my disc in September, kept trying to push through and lift and do all the things I was used to doing. Then one day, I did a proper workout with burpys, situps, lunges, jumping jacks and a few other exercises. It has been about a year and I learned a few things the hard way. Don’t be afraid to take NSAIDs daily. Since then I run every other day and I have completely several sub 2 hour half marathons. PSA - treasure and look after your NECK! So this year, I had 6 months off training due to a huge 7mm disc bulge in my cervical spine c5/c6. Most of the people don’t even know that they have herniated disc because they didn’t feel pain. • 5 yr. I don’t even do reps, I just do holds with weight. Try traction. Endurance is the key when trying to fix lower back issues. Herniated disc. I think I got my initial injury last year from a bad loop choke. 60% in one study, don’t have any pain as a result. Those are the 3 focus areas with a lower back injury. Has anyone here used a reverse hyper to help build their squat and deadlift. They are core stability exercises meant to stop the micromovements of the spine after injury. Strengthen those two and it will help protect your back. It doesn't seem you have any idea what's actually going on in your body. Staker practices at Susquehanna Spine and Joint Center in Lancaster, PA. No relief. Only your spinal cord is supposed to be in your canal. Had to relearn how to walk with my left leg again. I spent the next 2-3 months just walking. Industry Rant, Back Extensions & Reverse Hypers. Blake Staker illustrates the mechanism of disc Core strength is fundamental. comDr. Hi all, I am a powerlifter and I herniated my L4/L5 during a conventional deadlift set (1 year ago). RN here. Tried everything except surgery. So have faith that yours will heal and see if you can try not to stimulate your nervous system by worrying and seeking a cure or anticipating the worst. Herniated discs on t6 and t7, and some other discs pinched. A disc herniation is a structural problem. I had 2 epidurals but no surgery. You have to try physical therapy. Since then I have moved into a low or mid 400s squat and a high 400s to low 500s deadlift at 175 pounds. Deadlifts and squats are enough I think. I've have had neck pain since then, but not bad and I still trained. I tried so many things but in the end you have to do the right exercises every day. Do your rehab and it will heal and/or become asymptomatic. My Take On Reverse Hypers. Bulging disc… I don’t even remember I was around 18 or 19 and I remember it causing enough pain to call out of work but not go to the doctor. I got a lot better at bracing, mainly in my squats, but I'm a lot more conscious about it. Good timing! Wow! I actually did really well on the combination of a good PT person and being put on Gabapentin. I can go about my daily activities, but golf with a bad lower back is impossible and terrifying. Got a second mri and the disc was bulging further. First Google result. But depending on the case and person, surgery is the only option for some people to relieve the symptoms. This coupled with finding out your pain triggers, and removing then is what gets you pain free. But, I also do a ton of traction work and many other of the modalities they mentioned. I want to encourage the need for Physical Therapy during this time. 5 days post surgery walking by myself, then discharged. This is a place that does not tolerate misinformation, outdated notions/ideas, BUT promotes anti-fragility and hope. 5 - 3 months to get back to squatting decently heavy, and about 6 months to be back 100% I herniated a disc in 2021, and ended up having a discectomy and a foraminectomy at the same time. -Diet Fasting, Going on a low inflammatory diet, or autoimmune protocol diet. kabukistrength. It took me 2 years to be able deadlift 225lbs and squat 115lbs and I need a perfect form or my back tickles for a few days. ExRx Weighted Reverse Hyper-Extension. Peptides may reduce the symptoms by reducing the swelling of the surrounding tissues, but there is nothing you can take or inject that will correct this. Two MRIs. The first time I had surgery I no doubt wanted it but now that the one above it herniated and learning that for some people this continues with each surgery like a domino affect has caused me to be hesitant on a second The pain is caused by the disc pressing on the nerve. I don't know where you herniated one, but L4-L5-S1 is my problem. I started swimming two weeks ago every single day and going in the sauna for 10 mins after. Take ibuprofen for the pain. It never got better. My MRI discovered that after years of pain and suffering, I have at least 1. DL and squats are doable, but progress is low and I know I'll never dl 400lbs. •. Fuck all that. More blood flow in the area always seemed to help me recover compared to resting. I have pulled over 400 for reps in the past and hit 400+ back squats. I had a herniated disc. Also, looked at the Freak Athlete 6 in 1 Nordic bench. The many uses of the Reverse Hyper. Definitely sped up my recovery. http://www. Yes, I have two bulging discs in my back. If pain gets 10/10 go to the ER where at least you’ll get some pain relief and maybe an MRI. I have a degenerated disc between my l4/l5. Sometimes chiros will have a traction table, ask around. jm3686. A good arch on the bench is only good for increasing your powerlifting total, it doesn't make you stronger and it isn't safer. The worst you can do is avoiding everything. I find myself unconsciously doing them all the time now and I only had serious back pain twice in the last 6 years. Take some meds specifically for nerve pain and wait until you can see your Dr. MadMonkHiro. The Back Mechanic talks about the hip hinge movement. 4. So generally they’re worthless for this type of thing except for 1) seeing if a steroidal injection is a possibility and at what spinal level it needs to be administered at or A herniated disc in my neck basically stopped me from training, after training 4-5 days a week basically non stop for 5 years. Your average non-sports oriented doctor will tell you that simply because most average people with average disc issues don't have drive to actually do the proper PT, rest, and recovery required, so on average most people wouldn't be able to return to sports. bursas, joints, etc. Turns out when I started doing hyper extensions, squats with the bar, etc, my back started feeling better. Jul 14, 2018 · Many people ask if the Reverse Hyper Machine can help heal herniated disks. Looks ok, but seems like a lot of moving parts. The human body does heal. But the only option left is a microdiscectomy and is being recommended by a neurosurgeon. Hope you all had a fantastic weekend and I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving. Paid for an MRI and confirmed the herniation. I want to start doing hyper extensions/ghd, but not sure if its too soon yet I herniated the disc, and was paralyzed from the Right knee down. Award. I’m only 20 years old and still am suffering from back pain, hip pain, pain down the legs and feet. Leg Press and Hack Squat machine are great for my bad back. Fun Fact, multiple studies have found 1/4 of people with NO lower back pain actually have herniated discs, so a herniated disc in itself is no reason you shouldn't be able to lift again. Get a lower back pump and stop, don't add weight just go bodyweight. I also got my first coaching badge in the UK during this time. So, I started more intensive exercise and by August, I was more or less back to normal (walked 7km with no pain and even jogged 3-4k). I bulged and herniated a disc (2 separate occasions) deadlifting, and I had lifted for 5-6 years and thought I had great form. My S1 herniated spring 2017 and I discovered that I have four other bulging disks, osteoarthritis, and degenerative disk disease. The traction makes room for any bulging or compressed herniated disks can reverse the action and eliminate the possibility of developing further herniations. Outside of westside barbell material you rarely hear about the positive strength increases gained from a reverse hyper machine. But my core has gotten sufficiently Bulging discs aren't an issue unless they're severe or you know herniate. Louie Simmons Reverse Hyper Instruction. RE: important things to consider when looking for a good mattress and pillow to help alleviate your back pain: You need an egg crate or mattress topper for padding so that your bony prominences (i. As you all have or are experiencing pain. 99% sure I herniated a disc, although by the time I got an MRI my discs didn't look too bad and the doc isn't really sure whats still causing problems. And this is coming from someone with over $10k in titan equipment in my garage. Stretching does NOT help, however, using the hamstrings in a loaded range of motion does help. I herniated a disc 2 weeks before my meet last year. Don't bench with an arch. She has a pretty good podcast, hour long, with McGill, it's on YouTube if you search their names. No argument, get it strong. First, sorry that really sucks. Had on and off sciatica but nothing crazy. Do the Big 3 without spine movement but with abdominal bracing. I did tons of yoga/saw pt/lifted with occasional bouts of pain but in 2018 I had no options. Specifically, if you can find one, a reverse hyper. No. I herniated 2 discs in my neck, had some numbness in my hand and left arm. Random stem cells injections are going to most likely put more pressure on the nerves. The stronger you get the easier it is to live the active lifestyle later on. I've made an effort below to catalogue as many exercise The diagnosis was that the headaches were due to an herniated disc, which happened due to daily bad posture ( forward neck): minor herniation on c4-c5, and minor disc protrusion on c5-c6 and c6-c7. If you've seriously injured your back, you'll know because you'll probably be in severe pain. It happens from sitting or just walking for too long. Dr told me to stop lifting weights. likewut. If you can't do the MRI now, at the very least I'd try to take it easy and take an anti-inflammatory. Herniated disc - sick of being in pain. Hamstring curls, very light RDLs and even deadlifts can help activate those muscle groups and relax the nerves. Lower Back Strengthening : r/bodyweightfitness. Reverse hyper isolates your lower back, glutes and hams a little bit more. So with the Titan's recent release, I've seen a few comments about the reverse hyper being a one trick pony waste of space. Love both, I'm in the camp that swears by reverse hypers for low back injuries. I want to share my current recovery timeline of what my back has been doing. susquehannaspine. Raise your feet a bit, either with your feet on the bench, or stack a couple plates on each side. Please help. Reverse Hyper machine for herniated disc. If you can find a way to rig a reverse hyper movement, do that a lot. Usually pain resolves itself with a week or two depending on severity. Which is the only thing I would caution anyone against if they have a herniated or ruptured disc. I'd avoid any exercise (or even any sitting position) that excessively rounds the lower back. Core strength and stretching are the key. Edit: The rounding I'm talking about is the portion of this exercise that causes the hump in the lower back. Reply. I herniated a disc twice. The few times I forgot this my body gave me pretty clear feedback in the form of a numb left leg. this was good for about 2 years until I needed a revision and had my second surgery. Hey has anyone heard of this machine for the aid of rehabbing and also prevention of back injuries? I have l3-l4, l4-l5 degenerative disc with moderate bulging disc and was wondering if this very expensive piece of equipment will assist me in prevention of back issues. Nov 6, 2016 · http://www. I credit compliance with a very intensive PT regimen, an epidural injection and anti inflammatories. Don't do crunches because those will cause more pain which I'm assuming you might have already figured out after having an l4/lb and l5/s1 herniation for almost 10 years I finally needed surgery in 2018. Got an epidural, did my pt iced etc the sciatic pain kept getting worse. Do not go to the Chiro as they can make whatever you are going through worse. Revisit breathing, and bracing. Mate, first and foremost, please consult with a DPT or an expert in this type of injury and recovery methods. I herniated my L5 S1 and have a bulged L4-L5. Strengthen them with weighted movements and reasonable set/rep schemes. Everyone told me I'm young and healthy and do pt and stretch and whatever and it'll get better. The steroids try to push the disc back in to take pressure off your nerves. Do all of this and you'll get from 0 to cured in 2 weeks, 1 month tops. I'm making the transition from commercial gym to a home gym, and this piece of equipment will help me fulfill multiple uses. Back injuries are nothing to screw with. If you can't get access to one of those, you can simulate the movement on a GHD. Second time it took about 2. Go to bodyweightfitness. Last time I developed horrible nerve pain in my leg and Gabapentin helped that as well. My L5-S1 herniated and caused some extensive nerve damage. r/backpain. Have both, made a DIY reverse hyper (garage gym reviews guide) for about $120, and got a used ghd for $200. A couple months later I learned TRUE proper form from a head D1 strength coach and went on to deadlift much more weight a year later without even feeling it in my spine. two weeks ago. My surgeon got his wish and I was in surgery after a week (needed a week to get the NSAIDs out of my system to be cut upon). If you can find one, its my understanding that reverse hypers were designed to train the posterior chain in people with low back issues that prevent them from deadlifting. As home gym owners with limited real estate, multi-functionality is important especially with the typical hyper's footprint. Most misdiagnosed my problem and prescribed stretches, clam shells etc. Done therapy religiously and it just refuses to get better. The key is the exercise, if you don't do it, you'll end up with weak muscles and long term issues. Start yoga and do McKenzie exercises that helped me a lot, the reason these disc can’t return to normal most of the time is because they don’t get enough blood supply. . Also, the reverse hyper extension machine is great for pain free posterior chain work if your gym has one. Initially I couldn’t even walk to the mailbox, couldn’t sit comfortably and had significant spasms. Mobility work is probably necessary. Now I front squat. To get the same feeling as the machines at the This kind of spasm is felt in the low back, but will also be felt if you stretch your hamstrings. Creating a space for people to ask questions about their back pain (whether acute or chronic), giving meaning, and providing hope for those suffering. Deadlifts done right, depending on your body type can help, I've got long arms so conventional deadlifts actually alleviated my back pain, especially when I started lifting heavy with a belt. I’ve had a herniated disc, L5-S1 large extrusion with nerve compression for confirmed (by MRI) 3. Brutal. . Had a herniated disc L5-S1 caused by lifting forcefully with tight hips that caused a classic lateral pelvic tilt that I tried to ''stretch away'', which basically hammered that sciatica nerve on the left side and I ended up with a spasm: a significantly weaker left leg, incredibly tight musculature and a dreaded piriformis syndrome. Cat-Camels, Homemade reverse hyper-extension machine using Thera-bands not weights, low impact core exercise -Reverse hypers are low impact and quite effective at maintaing strength/stability in the lower back. Reverse hyper and glute ham raises. If it is indeed a herniation, that would be my recommendation. Take care of your back, and focus on your health. Also, Look into the reverse hyper extension machine. The doc recommends disc replacement surgery on both location. r/bodyweightfitness. You can significantly overload with less stress on the spine by doing single leg work. Let it heal for 6 months and then was back on the mat without issue. Once I started doing hybrid climbing as well, I also didn't do any leading or jumping down/falling from bouldering. ) aren’t irritated, Your mattress/pillow needs to support your neck properly, and. I haven’t done the template, but I have come back from a pretty nasty herniated disc (dr. I had just deadlifted 670lbs at 180lbs in February A bulge is just a level of herniation. Hey how's it going everybody. I had the same problems on the same levels as you, I ended up having surgery last month. It doesn't always get better. Planks, GHD, and Reverse Hyper all day long. Vegasguy0801. I did a lot of planks and superman holds to strengthen my core. Doing yoga and McKenzie exercises will help you greatly and also help with the pain without taking medications. I’m 28F, so I feel like the ‘best part’ of my life should be beginning, but it feels like it’s all come to a grinding halt Yes, I had the exact same thing last year as a beginner. The first time I used it, a set of 10 with 20lbs on it was too excruciating to continue. Add a Comment. com/https://www. A part of the disc has been pushed outside of its enclosed space and can't (even surgical) be pushed back in. Also, NSAIDS are your friend. Sometimes they will re-absorb over 3-5 years I was told. 6. If it’s too painful, stop. Exactly, form is everything. The exercise will provide traction at the bottom of each repetition, opening up the disc space between each vertebra. com/chrisduffinstrong/http://instagram. With that said, I personally know someone who used their reverse hyper extension to much avail after suffering a herniated disc. I got the hyper right after I hurt my back the second time. About 4 months after surgery I started squatting and pulling, and at about month 6 I was back to my numbers prior to injury. It can 6 months to a year to completely heal but you won't be able to tell because I herniated my L5/S1 about 11 weeks ago and I’m about 90% recovered with no surgery. Four steroid epidurals, pt, tons of pain meds (tramadol, hydrocodone), muscle relaxers, cbd/thc, two rounds of prednisone, 8 months of gabapentin and naproxen. 2. I have a herniated disk in my L5/S1. Your glutes are your shield to your lower back and those hamstrings directly support the glutes. The Evolution of the Reverse Hyper. Most of you probably knew it was coming in between the words, herniated and disc Start with PT and walking if you can. Please don’t go chiro. I was told in my mid 20’s I would have to stop lifting and needed surgery. Current Rehab routine example, 5 minutes in a deep squat, flexing the spine and rounding it at the bottom, cat cow position, 5 minutes on the GHD, doing rounded and flat back extensions, hip joint stretches, sciatic flossing via stretching the hamstring and rotating ankle with resistance band. Not your disc or The disk above the one that had surgery normally herniated in those cases due to it carry the team while the one is healing. The MRI cannot tell the difference between a 4 year old disc herniated disc that isn’t causing any adverse effects vs a 1 day old herniated disc causing extreme pain. Now I shoot for 50-100 reps with that 90lbs and will sometimes hit 500-600lbs for sets of 20. Unfortunately, this Xmas Eve last week, I re-herniated my disc and am back at square one again, just this time I can move my legs a lot better. I was out of the gym for 2 months, and slowly worked back into upper body stuff at that time. The human body can overcome pain. 5 months, but potentially had the herniated disc for about 6 months. Herniated disc giving me crippling depression and ruining mental health. Being the stubborn person I am I began squatting everyday (read squat everyday by Matthew Perryman) I started with just the barbell doing high bar ATG oly squats and 5 months later I was doing 175kgx1 high bar no belt/knee sleeves with zero back pain and I’ve never had an issue with my back since. The pain happens only when the disc or disc inside fluid is touching a nerve in the spinal column. I herniated my disc badly. I just want to say. any movement especially I have what I call a contraction in my sideIt's relentless. This week our focus is on the Reverse Hyper-Extension. Strengthen the shit out of your core and abs. I would highly recommend this routine to anyone with a lower back herniated disc. 5'8", little over 155lbs. Don't downplay how south shit can go. Walk when you can. Pain is pretty manageable, but sometimes I do feel slight tingling down my leg and/or foot. Its been a bit since the injury, but its still bothersome. A portion of the gel-like nucleus pulposus has leaked into the spinal canal. I have never really run regularly before and I started when I lost feeling in my leg. Herniation‘s, degenerative disc disease, stenosis and many other changes in the spine are completely normal and most people i. Most of the time the reverse hyper gets recommended as a rehab for lower back issues. MRI showed a herniated disc in every disc in the lumbar spine. There is no quick fix or relief for herniated discs + sciatica, and you’re better off taking an Advil / Tylenol. ago. The width of the spinal cord is only 2mm on C5-6, and about 5mm on C4-5. com/Mad_Scientist_Duffin/https://tw Hey guys, I just find out I have spinal disc herniation on C5-6 and C4-5. I've done the mcgill big 3 for months and became pain free and in pain multiple times. Traction works good for me. I did 215x7,7,8 and then threw on 225x2,4 for fun before moving onto high-rep Bulgerian Split Squats last night. 1M subscribers in the homegym community. Consultation with ortho surgeon. Timeline. The angle of the reverse hyper worked much better than the back exnension machine on my back, personally. comhttp://www. Also - these injuries were mostly during heavy weightlifting days. I avoid getting stacked and inversions. 5 mm herniation in all my discs. So to answer your question, yes weight lifters can recover from herniated discs. I herniated a disc a couple of years ago (L5-S1) and recovered naturally from the full blown sciatica and leg cramps that caused Hey, did you have alot of nerve pain with your thoracic disc protrusions. Eventually reverse hyper. McGill big 3 wont stop your pain. e. The result of multiple years of incorrectly inverting, getting stacked, getting cranked, gutting out triangles and head and arms etc. Jillian Michaels also herniated 3 discs in her back and recovered seeing McGill. On my third slipped disc now. I'm 28m with a disc herniation at L5-S1, which has been causing many issues. I herniated it finally about 5-6 years later when I 25. A subreddit devoted to working out at home. Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. I like Titan, but they are far from commercial grade. Try to walk briskly with your arms swinging and a slight brace activated at the core - this should not flare you up. A herniated disc is “non-contained,” which means a tear or rupture is present. Also… 2. Recovery is doable but expect your back to be a weakness until you restrengthen it. Stand when it hurts to sit and sit when it hurts to stand. Lunges, Bulgarian Split Squats, Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift, etc. You can do this. I was doing yoga trying to relieve the pain of sciatica. Blew my back out in February. Hello, I just received the West side scout hyper, and I already love it. Swimming was the only thing I could do and would not cause me pain. The rounding causes strain which can give you serious issues. Oct 13, 2016 · PROFESSIONAL HEALTH CARE REVERSE HYPER (RESTORE AND INCREASE BACK HEALTH) Introduction by Louie Simmons. You’re super young, the chances of you getting better with physical therapy I believe are good. Unfortunately you do need an actual MRI to see not only if a disk is herniated, but also what position in your spine it's in, and how herniated it is (how far it's slipped out). I just got back into it and then I herniated a disc in my lower back, which gave me pretty bad sciatica. I was only 24 years old when my life changed all for the worse on that day. I had a great life before June 28, 2019. No surgery, just rehab and a lot of time with running being my only exercise. This reduced my symptoms but what really kicked it was starting swimming. Welcome to Technique Thursday. That particular machine has been invaluable in helping me recover from my herniated disc. You can have any of these levels and be asymptomatic. 68 votes, 45 comments. Dr. Regardless, $350 for that piece is a steal! 3. It drains your confidence and bank account. Be mindful of your body and get stronger slowly, it really helps. Reverse Hyper™ CURRENT ACTIVE PATENTS 6491607 (b2 – (2002) 7435207- (2007) 7473212- (2009) 8,529,413- (2013) I fractured my 5th lumbar vertebrae in early 1973 while doing good mornings. Doctors said I'd never train again, to find another hobby, etc etc etc. Reply reply. August 2020 I just finished moving back with my parents from college. wo yq lk jf ob zt tx xa wp tb