Why do strangers always ask me for help reddit

One of my employers called me "little girl" on more than one occasion and it made me hate him. But it is a consistent pattern in that person based on their personality. And at the same time, it is as if they suppress the difficulties of people with autism who don’t make it their personality but try to get by in life. Heroes always have a happy ending while villains like me always end up alone with a bad ending. It feels like asking for attention in an annoying way. Nothing is wrong with you. It's one of the more evil things about people. They will try to guilt you, do not get sucked into this. There is no great mystery to it. The short of the long is - parents are warning kids against unsolicited candy from strangers. " That sounds like an amazing way to get all of your card info stolen. There’s a slew of reasons. Share. I tell them because of how common no shows are. It doesn't make me look bad, it makes you look bad to speak negatively about your Me and my friends always sesh in this walkway to a forest area and the owner of the house beside the walkway comes out sometimes to sesh with us. Of course, you never want to be rude and you should generally always try to treat others with respect, but Strangers are stuck together in a line/queue or in an elevator or something, and they can't stop start talking about those things to avoid awkwardness. Might as well ask me about my sex life. I am 100% sure they were looking at me, it was DIRECT eye contact. When I ask anyone for anything, even something simple like time, it seems like a bridge too far. I wonder if there's a similar saying in Germany. 9% chance it is. Less judgement, less additional involvement from family and friends. Become a Google ninja, and learn how to use keywords to find the information you want. We all have different views and opinions this is just a place to share the ones we have on family. In any case, if you don't like it, set your boundaries. Eventually I just stopped responding. I just want to be accepted for who I am and be surrounded by people I like and accept me. Ask a question or start a conversation about (almost) anything you desire. They're looking for attention, and the knowledge that they've made a stranger look at their junk. This, “reading the air” is a big part of the indirect culture here. My curiosity definitely isn’t to judge anyone, I think I’m excited for them and it takes me back to a place of excitement over my own. And not having your own cigarettes for too often is frowned upon. And then after it I would go to reddit and see some other opinions if I think they didn't help me solve the problem. Beer also helps. You probably can't at the moment would be my guess. Best. I was just thinking on this. If they come at you demanding to know why, just repeat "my answer is no, it will not change and you don't get any further explanation. It is like they single me out in the crowd, and beeline for me. It's a simply friendly and disarming gesture. I'm female and 36 years old. I called because I want to know something specific so just let me ask my question and give me the answer instead of wasting everybodies time. I wouldn't physically involve myself in the fight, but I personally don't think violence helps resolve an issue long term. When you reply honestly, it destabilizes that illusion. Habit after so many times of being asked to smile by strangers. It was a public holiday so he asked if a Seriously! I too had some complete stranger come up to me and say my baby needed a jacket when the sun was out and it was 76 outside and she was in long sleeves booties and covered with a blanket! If you’re attractive that’s y. As someone who's had sex in relationships, and had an unplanned one night stand with a man I just met, I can say it's primarily the adrenaline rush that causes you to go through with it. Might be a result of you being a nice guy. The company has a strict “no sitting” policy, so I figured I would try using a cane to ease the pain in my joints. I suffer with depression and I smile at random people so they maybe feel happier than I do. People are really shallow creatures and will judge a book by its cover most of the time. So hearing all that and have it not be manifested in the dating world really messes with your head. Rant. Yes, but just because that's what they should do doesn't mean it's what they actually do. That’s why non-followers can’t message me anymore (I changed it in settings), only followers can message me but their messages are in message requests, so it’s easy control that now. Strangers also Why do strangers always pick me out to ask for help in public? Perhaps the reason why people tend to approach you for help is because of your warm and approachable It’s probably the best reason to be stared at if you ask me! Consider whether or not you have any striking features. i told her i was fine and asked why she asked that. Maybe they genuinely think they’re helping and giving good advice. Even if i stand in a group and people ask for help, people mostly start talking to me. But also, how nice it is that people care enough to ask if you’re ok! 1. Do not be mean, insulting or disrespectful to any other user on this subreddit. They make fun of you so that they can feel they are better than others but in real there life is way more full of shit. Have a fun conversation about anything that is on your mind. They're super not expecting that you interpret this as a credible challenge, since they likely don't see you as a credible combatant. I feel like I can come to you with my problems and I hope you know I will return the favour. • 3 yr. Like it was automatically assumed I clearly wasn't Australian. They might be having a bad day or dealing with their own issues. Stand to the side like the fucking beggar you are. Absolutely no asking for or offering karma or votes! | Unofficial help community for all Redditors to ask questions how to Reddit! | Chat post every Tuesday, and see our top post (sort by 'hot') to learn about karma! | For official help see r/help or r/bugs To assert dominance. The key here is to try and say the exact same words as the beggar at the same time. It's just one of those phrases that's more than the sum of its words. I think to a fairly small extent the reason why guys stopped holding doors open for women is because after the Women's Movement there was an increase of bitchy women complaining that a man had held a door open for her. Or perhaps you are just overly aware of it because you are noticing it more. Nmom: Okay, good, you shouldn't say negative things about me because that reflects badly on you, especially if you say it to [my bf's] parents. 895K subscribers in the ask Persuasion. Myki inspectors deliberately seek out those who are the most vulnerable to them. It's very interesting to me that you say that's because of the service-oriented culture. She was not scamming me in my mind. I do workout, I'm trying monoxidil in three weeks once I get it, I dress older. They can afford to work on you long-term as they're working in callcenter settings, on multiple clients at once. this happened before too, to a cashier who couldn’t hear me when I said hi back to him, he threw my stuff in the bag and shook his head. And because of that I don't really feel like an adult. Look very easy to talk to and have a sweet personality. They want to think of themselves as good people, without having to put the effort in that it takes to be good. Whenever I'm out in public, a lot of people just stare at me. Three great friends made through small talk with strangers. Not a big ask of a friend or close colleague, but a big ask of a stranger. Three: They're different. The 'Steam Admin' is fake and will show you fake sometimes people just have employee vibes, apparently -- i get something similar where people will always choose to ask me for help when i'm out shopping, even if there's actual employees around. I think I just look like an average white girl. Users who message you asking for or offering spells or readings are almost always scammers or phishers. Do you think those people would react the same irl or does the fact that they are anonymous let them say things they would never do with a real person ? There seems to be an unwritten rule for many on Twitter that says when someone follows you, you follow them back. What you can do is make sure you see them as the outliers and not the norm. 69 votes, 25 comments. true. For example, a stranger in walmart isn't likely to be someone you'll see again, and if you do see them it doesn't really matter that you've told her "i don't actually subscribe to that thought" or "i'm not really interested in having this conversation" I follow one stranger who keeps going on trails in my area that I didn’t know about. People are stupid. I’ve had people run up to me and hug me thinking they know me. A lot of the time, a person would stare at me and when I look back, they'd smile at me. The title says it all this has been the story of my life I’m girl who has been isolated and excluded from girl groups and even strangers who didn’t interact with cannot stand me they give dirty looks, I You give me the fun bubbly type of personality, with a down to earth sort of mentality. And the cool older cousin vibe. Sort by: Best. If he was taking a picture of you, the answer to why is either that he is a private eye or government employee who has been told to photograph you or the fact that you are 25 and female has something to do with it. Your friend may take some more time than you, but he’ll be fine. You may want to check out our post about staying safe online in witchcraft. Don't be a dick, but don't make it a point just to be super nice either. 3. It helps me shift my energy away from the negativity. That and kids tend to travel in groups or with parents on Halloween. Almost always, I was able to help, but I not really sure why they asked us. Sometimes they ask me why I require prepayment. Kylemaxx. Partly it's because I make eye contact. That seems pointless and over-sentimental. People use religion to pull you in and goodness knows with they are really praying about or whom they are praying to. Reply. Half of the time, you can walk past someone who you don’t know in the grocery store, and they will smile and nod or ask how you are. In less than four minutes, we can delve into the intricate psychological and sociological dynamics that create the phenomenon of individuals seeking solace, advice, and assistance from specific people. Strangers are always approaching me on the street. I love making people smile or laugh so I always make a conscious effort to wear a relaxed smile around strangers or in public. [deleted] People always ask me if I'm ok. If the Americans are speaking to a worker like you, they want to establish that you're two equals on a moral/human level. Instead of asking Maybe take a good look in the mirror to see what others see. 4. Indeed, it often escalates the problem. It's a way of humanizing the interaction. For those who have asked out a complete stranger So I moved 7,000 km across the country and the only people I know are at work. It’s prolly cuz your good looking or have toilet paper stuck to your shoe, either way tho you gotta stare back and not break eye contact for show of dominance. They particularly tend to stare at people because that is programmed into us at a very deep instinctual level. Do strangers try to start conversations and ask you random questions regularly? Maybe it's common where you live but I find it bizarre. They'll then say "neither shit nor spoon, huh" (literal translation) and give you a cig anyway. Low self esteem and validation. Ok I’ve notice this recurring theme in my life. •• Edited. I talked to some of my friends about this and they When I am in public I get asked questions or get asked to help by many strangers . But the regret afterward is intense. I don't consider myself an empath all, but people constantly come up to Random men telling me to smile without asking me if I am ok just want me to be pretty for them. When I do encounter someone who is being rude, I try to focus on something positive around me, like a nice view or a good conversation with someone else. I have had plenty of pleasant conversations with strangers on public transport. There has been a recent influx of scams on reddit. maybe you're just ugly. I wonder what about me makes people feel so immediately comfortable with me? (Obviously at work it's different and I am open to my clients speaking to me about their problems--but my point is that they will say to me, you're the only staff I feel I can talk to! You're the only one I told this really intense thing to, please help me!) There are a lot of factors/variables at play here: location, time of day, temperament/mental of the person asking for money, the age of the person asking for money, etc. I check this person’s profile now and then to see if they have done a new-to-me trail lately so I Strangers asking for referrals on LinkedIn. Yes, asking a stranger for their data and implementations, especially given that you say things aren't stated properly and that attitude is probably coming across to the recipient in some way, does sound like a big ask. If you saw hello to you, it could set them I hate when strangers asks me to take pictures of them. I also think, reflexively, we don't like seeing other people get hurt. "Small talk" in the same sense doesn't exist in Korea. Literally almost every stranger I've ever talked to says I look really familiar. Therapy is a process of solving mental problems and healing mental wounds. There is NO chance you actually have a relationship so there is no chance you will be rejected or have a bad outcome. The problem is when strangers talk to me I want to run away and usually do. I have never had anyone stop me once in 15 years for a trivial question such as that, and this has happened several times in the past month and twice in the past two days. Once you get used to doing that, compliment them. Start with the people in line at the grocery store or the person at checkout. because people like to sit near non obese women (for example me) My personal reasons are thag im sure that women wont spread out all over the seat like an asshole and push or squish me. There are some compelling reasons to reject complete strangers’ connection requests on LinkedIn. Anytime someone asks you to smile, just look them dead in the eye and say; “Dance. In the past 5 months I was approached by approximately 5-10 guys all asking me the same question: “Do you know any good margarita spot around?”. It doesn’t always work but helps insulate you from the negativity. TW: Anxiety / Depression. Random Chinese babes with 'wrong number' trying to be friends. Again she didn’t ask for a single thing but suggestions of resources. Again I politely decline. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games I smile at random people all the time. Especially when you also don't have any lighter on you. Reciprocal gesture if the stranger smiles first. If you have question to ask, a story to tell, or a statement to make about family feel free to post. I then make eye contact and they look away most of the time, but sometimes they keep staring even after I make eye contact with them. " Walk away every single time. It can also be where you live or the different types of people living around you. • 18 min. My wife's undergrad research project was on this exact phenomenon. Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. I know there are a plethora of (“positive or negative”) reasons for why a person wouldn’t want to look you in the eyes (yet have no problems looking those next to you in the eyes), but it hurts and it feels alienating. r/socialanxiety. Posted The friendlier part of Reddit. If your phone is visible, sorry, its Wifi only device, etc, etc. That trust can be broken that way too, cause they want to close to you, care about you, maybe love you, but you push them away and they not know why, and makes them feel you dont want them. You can easily block people on snap, you can send videos and emojis, you can through text too but snap is easier, and a number is more personal, a person is more likely to give their snap than their phone number so they don't have to give away their personal number in case they wanna stop talking to the other person, its easier to cut off a r/INTP. Members Online. I did this once and they did an impression of the berries and cream commercial, lol. Yet, a better case can be made for building a large network of This is something weird that I have noticed. It could be many reasons but its probably just they think you look good and don't mean to stare. 6. I said but you asked me to do it. Everywhere I look everyone seems to have their hand out. "If you have a card reader, that's a business expense and I'm not donating to a business. But I can see how that can make some customers feel more welcome. There are very few people who contribute to google maps beyond level 8. I would imagine if somebody is asking the time, they are trying to appeal to your humanity. Maybe you'll make some friends in the process. photometric. Faraday Future community on Reddit! An unofficial forum of soon-to-be-owners, stockholders and futurists. Asking for more than one is usually impolite tho. It happened again and again, and I eventually just reply 1. The ask you to add them because they cannot send friend requests with their limited account (as you noted). ADMIN MOD Why do strangers call me crackhead . I’ve been asked to dog sit (by 2 separate people), drive to doctors appointments, work an extra shift, babysit kids, etc. Fear response. It tends to be mentioned in an extremely unwarranted way. then, they'll say "oh no, i need an enrollment/attorney fee for it to go through" and when you send that money they run off. Sort by: Search Comments. ImKyahLmao. Look, I get it; people want to engage and small talk is typically how you get there. Here, Zhao discusses the research about how asking for help can lead to meaningful experiences and strengthen relationships with others – friends as well as When you’re faced with feelings or experiences that are challenging, frightening, or overwhelming, asking for help means you care enough about yourself to increase the Have you noticed that in many cases, it is strangers who seem to support you in your ambitions more than your friends do? Believe it or not, the fact of the matter is that strangers will support you more than Sometimes asking for help—even for the smallest of favors—can feel awkward, or like you’re inconveniencing someone else. About Reddit; Advertise; Help; Blog; Careers; Press; Communities; Best of Reddit Share your favorite social skills tips, ask for advice, or offer encouragement to others on their social skills journey. Yeah, that used to be rough. You might have grown used to them (looking in a I truly wonder what it is that makes people flock to me and wanting to ask me specifically of things. That’s fine, cool, dandy. ADMIN MOD. I rutinely get asked for directions to places or help with random shit from strangers, maybe like once or twice a week on average. Yeah, no. Because they are strangers people feel uncertain until they construct an artificial narrative for that person. My friends say that this How do I politely answer without offending the asker? And what is the intent of asking such a question? Perplexed and Private Contrary to what your parents told you, we all need to get good at interacting with strangers, says author Julie Lythcott-Haims. 10. I’ve always cared more about little interactions i have with strangers more than i care about long lasting relationships. They usually asks you what you are looking for on this app, but not always. Maybe a group of drunk teens might make a mean comment to someone outside a bar, but I can't imagine people driving by and harassing people. There are families that hate their children, but that's a whole new thing. In busy city you rarely make eye contact or for whatever reason dudes want sex with you. They see someone who looks like they have money. In all likelihood, they are just minding their business, but there's a chance they could have a screw loose. Archived post. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks. They don't deserve you. Recently, I've been getting a bunch of strangers on LinkedIn connecting and asking me to refer them to certain positions at my company. I don't mind helping people but it does get old! 1. Be polite and courteous to each other. Part of it was they were explicitly avoiding the people they were close to. I don't get the touchy stuff but I do get people talking to me constantly anywhere I go because apparently I appear very friendly and approachable. I've lived with violent people before, not fun so I got out of that evening situation. The 'why' of things is always a goldmine of information and conversation. No, not by strangers, but definitely by coworkers and casual acquaintances. "Hit 'n' run" , but if there are someone, who deserve that kinda trust, you could tell. The people closest to you want you to be happy. Others abuse this and use it as an excuse to creepily touch someone they Always. If you ask them a question in turn they usually have to stop walking and respond. Sometimes hearing the answers from strangers gives a different clarity to the answers you may already know. Almost always not initiated by me. two words: bystander effect. The only reason to grab a stranger's baby is to save them from immediate danger. Friendly and caring. 1. After a day or two they are calling you baby, etc. Some people touch while passing to prevent other forms of touching and/or to alert you to their presence as they pass by. When they eventually make their sales pitch, victims think they're in a real relationship and will trust them. I’m 30, been running since high school. ButterscotchIll1504. I forget the actual term for it, but in crowded places people are more likely to ignore others when they need help because they assume someone else will help them. And you’re kinda forced to say “yes, absolutely”. I know I’m always curious, though I don’t actually come out and ask unless it’s a close friend. • 8 yr. If a total stranger says, "Those jeans make your butt look great," then it's kind of awkward and creepy. I agree that asking strangers isn’t something I would do as I know it can make some people uncomfortable. And always by women (like they have decided they know where I am from before they even talk to me). The type of people—not the number of people—underpins the bystander effect. Responsible-Cost2993. He talked to me about Bernini and art I really love, but I was so uncomfortable we had the conversation while I stood behind my friend like he was a door. They drain our energy resources. Does anyone else enjoy getting asked for a cigarette while you’re out smoking? I’m a reclusive, introverted person so starting conversations and keeping them going is not something I do, but having someone ask to bum a smoke and the little nice conversation afterwards always is something I 40 votes, 55 comments. And I never help someone because I think someday I might need a favor and hope someone will help me. i don't mind, i like helping people find things or get stuff off tall shelves, but i have no idea why they're asking ME. You add them, they tell you some bullshit story about how they accidentally reported you and you need to talk to a Steam Admin. Halloween is a day when the kids are asking for candy, not being offered candy. People tend to give me unsolicited advice as well, because I am in a precarious medical situation. People are fucking weird. Ask yourself: Why do strangers care? Discussion Share Add a Comment. Ironic. Why do healthy people refuse to donate their organs after death? nunyabizz0000 How come every married couple in their 30s with a kid, the wife still looks fairly well put together and fit, but the dad is always balding, has that round gut thing going on The mental health subreddit is the central forum to discuss, vent, support and share information about mental health, illness and wellness. But we do sort of do it as well. The thing is I’m not asking for compliments nor would it feel natural for me to do so. A normal person may be more upbeat around extroverts, excitable around those with shared interests, or quieter around introverts. If these people aren't people you'd be friends with it doesn't really matter what the outcome of the conversation is. it's a scam. Well, one theory goes that falling in love with strangers is safe. I meet someone then we get along real swell then it’ll be a day when it’s just us talking and chilling alone and they just feel the need to tell me their darkest most abhorrent, personal secret ever and I mean some dark shit. Why do strangers always talk to me when I'm "uncomfortably" stoned. The best thing you can do is to make a list of the kind things strangers have done. Tervanun. They would like to have some, so they ask you and others like you. Why do strangers that are girls give me dirty looks before I even interact with them. Cause Japanese people don’t talk with a stranger and that’s a way they are asking ‘why don’t you talk with your friend and leave me alone’. There was one where a convenience store clerk grabbed a customer's baby because she was seconds away from some kind of seizure. Why is that? This happens to me often, if I'm walking down the street or minding my own business, of all people present, smh random strangers usually ask me for directions, help, or just Why Do Strangers Always Ask Me for Help? Before approaching a stranger for help, people often assess their surroundings and the individuals present. I'm so tired of People from all over the world, who you don't know, are asking to be your friend. It does not happen to any of my other friends but strangers talk to me a lot, people smile at me. Fairly normal. [deleted] ADMIN MOD. Interpersonal. That just makes everything awkward. I am trying to review as much stuff locally as I can and post enough photos and videos and other information to reach level 10. The expected bad outcome is already a forgone conclusion. Also I never see a guy open a car door for a woman before getting into a car himself. Strangers talk to me a lot. I gave her a phone charger because she said her phone was dead. ObsidianEther. She said that I should be happy to do it if that's the case. Most people don't want to be annoyed by random strangers walking up to them. Immigrants that come to Canada and feel proud to be a Canadian are welcomed with open arms - I live / work in a city that has a strong community of people who immigrated from middle eastern countries; generally they are very friendly and try to be I guess what you would call a typical friendly Canadian so I think they pick up on mannerisms and Yes, these things do happen to empaths that is why we need to create boundaries in our own lives. If they ask and your phone is not visible; its dead, sorry. Do not catfish. Few_Leg_4427. No matter where I go, even to the grocery store, I will inevitably be addressed as "Honey", "Sweetie" or "Darling" by someone. If they are wearing a shirt of their favorite band/game/sports team/etc, they are most likely willing to chat about it with others. Most 25 year old females are attractive to males. I chat all the time with anyone who is assisting me in something The thing is she wasn’t asking for money, she was asking if there were recourses around my town. I noticed something totally crazy How you doing?” with a big ass smile on their faces. They are subconsciously saying 'I want our relationship to be meaningful. I'm just being nice and acknowledging them. He likes people who initially basically ignore him, and then he likes to quietly walk over to them and ask for pets and attention. Not everyone spends all their time on the Internet arguing about everything. I always ask to move from Reddit to Telegram because T is just so much better, even for chatting, but also it has the voice and video capability when you are ready. By presenting them with just the information relating to the issue, without a heap of context that all of your friends would have and consider, you can get less biased answers. Turns out pushing myself, or getting kinda needy with my family members and asking them to help me push myself, or maybe a therapist, or literally any other nonchemical resource I could have used would have led to a better 16 votes, 14 comments. Some folk ask me what I do and I laughingly reply “As little as If a total stranger says, "Cute dress!" or "I love your hair!" then it always sort of makes my day. A better idea is to do some activity with a group of people consistently. I've got social anxiety, and me knowing that 8 outta 10 times I'm out alone, people will come to me and talk have made it difficult for me to even go out anymore. But yeah. I don't know if I make a face while I daydream or it's the fact that I'm staring at nothing with a blank face. Therefore, you have to be an asshole, because if you're not, they are a bad person. That they might be trying to flirt is also not the first thing that comes to my mind. [deleted] • 10 yr. It's not really like that, but it can seem that way. Some of these are pretty desperate-sounding, like "times are really hard for me these days, pls halp". Treat anyone asking for your phone as a scam, because 99. That's why it's 24/7. like you i'm 18f but dress alternative, There are some exceptions like I've asked to see a few peoples because we were discussing it and we both felt comfortable sharing ours (but it was in a "no pressure if you don't want to see or show them" type of thing) but I would recommend blocking and even reporting these people. Family, friends, coworkers, etc. The problem you can't fix is probably the rude strangers you encounter. Dance for me”. a stranger randomly asked me if i was okay today. I had deep red lipstick on today and people seemed to be staring at that, for whatever reason. I am a 40 year old who used to be in good shape. It happens a lot. Working as a bar tender has made me realise that even the most shy of people will open up if you start asking them well-rounded, indirect 'why' questions. S. I'm just worried this might be too far outside my comfort level and turn me off doing stuff outside. There is no earthly reason why a strange woman should feel compelled to touch me at all, much less attempt to carry on a conversation with me about school systems with her hand in my lap. Help!!! Why do strangers think I look so familiar in every part of the world? I’ve been receiving I look familiar from strangers my whole life. I'm already pretty shy and it makes me uncomfortable and nervous. A lack of firm boundaries invites a lack of respect. Because some people think they're better than others. Reply reply For context, I currently work a retail job that requires constant standing, movement, cleaning, etc. At the absolute minimum, we here all share at least one thing in common: We like a cartoon show. I tell them I understand but that's a requirement for all customers. so to answer you question, yes it is etiquette to ask a stranger to smoke. A guy came up to me once the street. It’s weird. And im more comfortable around women (strangers) even tho im a dude. This happens to me a lot when I walk down the street, a stranger is making a pretty neutral expression but then they give me a big wide smile once they spot me? I asked a friend about that and he said it might be because I may be good-looking or appear approachable, but I'm inclined to not believe that. In my experience, yes - women tend to smile and nod or say hi when they make eye contact with people. Well, it's not really obsession. While I still have broad, muscular shoulders, I have a pudgy middle and a balding head. We need to shield ourselves. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I’ve gotten numerous texts and calls from people this week, asking me for favors. Smile and say "hello". The right kind of therapy is the best way to deal with difficult situations out of ones control. They don't want to fight you - they're threatening and bullying you, with the goal that you'll back down and comply with what they want. I try to teach my kids to be comfortable complimenting strangers so I appreciate when they are on the receiving end. My friends and I were leaving the shops when a random guy approached our group. Start telling them "thanks, it's Old Navy". THIS. All about context, and I doubt the concept is unique to us. LinkFixerBot ♂ • 10 yr. I do it because I feel like it's polite. A University of South Florida professor says that those "friends" want access to They say it's because I'm tall 6'3" and have an authoritative look (whatever that means). And is better privacy for both sides than sharing your permanent phone number. Because if you open up with "hentai" they'd ignore you. But asking about somebody’s job, whether status or type or, God-forbid, earnings, is personal as hell and intrusive af. Unmatches you on the dating app after they get you out of the dating app, so they do not get reported and continue matching with random guys without issues. Edit: yes, it made me smile. You're family will love you no matter what. That's why they always want a "serious relationship" and will put so much emphasis on trust. It probably is just cos they think you look nice. I’d reply with something like “Like I said, don’t know you” and walk away. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. in the early morning today I was walking past these two people, they said good morning but I couldn’t mutter out anything because I’m scared of These people like you, they are offering you a secret to show you, you can trust them too. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. ago. Also they will probably unmatch you afterwards, so you can't see their profile and/or report them if warranted. Popcornsally111. Post about anything related to family! This can be questions, stories, and comparisons on families. That's why it always seems to be strangers. I always block them. If your in an elevator or in some other situation where you have more time together you could answer with a interrogative of your own, but that's your call. I don't mind being called nicknames or giving nicknames to strangers unless in a professional setting. Just yesterday someone struck up a conversation with me about the book I was reading. Small children tend to stare in general, mostly because everything is new and they are learning a billion new details about everything they see. Attraction (seems unlikely). they're going to ask for your cash app and send fake screenshots of them sending you $2000. It's when they start following you into the bus all the way to your seat/ down the street until you stop in front of any door that could potentially be yours and continue asking you questions. Sometimes people are almost dumbfounded, like I look identical to this one other person they knew 30 years ago or something. Since I am in the military it is mostly guys and all the girls are taken or manly. "Your children are well behaved". . An unconscious habit with no clear source, but unrelated to the particular stranger you pass by. excluding my husband, of course. Some might want something else or just want to pick a fight or yell at you about their political standing cuz they are just looking for attention. In the same way that there are empaths, there too are energy vampires, snd they are attracted to empaths. Mainly local people are tiny accounts with mostly people complaining about something. But the odds are, you’re probably wrong. At first I just said “Hey, don’t know you. But outside work I do go out and go around town. If you engage, you see them as human. Here's why, and how to do it. Lol this keeps happening to me. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them. The list is long, and I'm so tired of people randomly approaching me. People don’t necessarily come out and flat out say what they mean. But we don't talk about weather or restaurants. A narcissistic person is “nice” short term, and does so for the main goal of praise or sympathy. She told me homeless people are invisible. It can change a life. So our brains work similarly, and we feel bad. Very rare that I will even hand it to a family member/friend to see a photo. But she paid her part of the bill so I try not to say much about it and just do it myself. Even counting just the major English speaking countries (in particular Australia, the UK, and the USA), time zones means a large group of English speaking people are awake and online at any given time. Step 1: add a ton of people Step 2: roughly 20% add you back Step 3: stop following random people you added and assume they won't take the time to do the same Step 4: show boss huge increase in followers 'proving' some sort of Everyone has their own preferences and their own inclinations in life. I’ve gained weight, lost weight, worn glasses, died my hair blonde It happens to me all the time. it really depends on what kind of area you live in. Energy exchange with your consent be careful. They want followers. You might be intuitive, picking up on a lot, makes you safe and comfortable to open up to. This is some passive aggressive virtue signalling right there. It's a tiny piece of silent encouragement and generally a way to say "I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help". Why Supporting Strangers Wins You Instant Influence. Or they will look for a chance of me in a private situation to ask old_guy_536x. Im quite a social person, but I don't immediately or often just talk to strangers out of nowhere. • 4 yr. Atleast they’re asking instead of People who are being mean like to get a reaction out of others and making others feel bad makes them feel good because they probably have an inferiority complex or feel powerful when they do but doesn't give them the right or make it okay. I've asked my friends if the same thing happens to them but they said that strangers never really smile at them or try to make intense eye contact. To me, deciding if I’m going to help a stranger or, for that matter, someone I know, is like deciding if I’m going to wash dishes or do laundry today or tomorrow. They ask you how you are to indicate this. Likely a pleasant vibe. mentalsquint. sexmormon-throwaway. This has happened many times before where I look at someone for 0. You have to try with strangers, meaning they will be more truthful. It was late but I work late. you should r/askmen if they smile at people. Less risk. EndiveMassacre. It goes well. Things linger on the calendar and get co-opted by successive societies. I don't do this, but I think it's a great idea especially to those who may have not had a family or any loved ones. Well, I always ask my friends 1st. Its helped a lot! The only downside to it is strangers asking me why I use it. The trick is to try your best to maintain a degree of emotional detachment from what’s being discussed. However, once I was approached by two guys within 100 feet both walking into the same direction asking me the margarita 1. These goons will just pass by doing nothing in there life other than being it seems like people take it like a personal attack whenever they get blocked by a stranger; why do people feel entitled to the attention and approval of people they've never met before? Not to mention people who call folks who block harassers cowards for not engaging with them; that's always been a bad-faith argument. Reply reply. Everyone always seems to think that they have all the answers, even if yes, cause they are attractive. With that comes a sense of community. '. Tell Redditors who you think they are based on their picture. I won't criticize those who recommend therapy, but I will always criticize relationship advice where people call on a user to break up with someone. • If the person is from somewhere else, ask them why they're going to your school/live in your city. Same reason Then I glanced over and saw her whispering to her friend, hand covering her mouth and all, and then her friend started looking at me too. I think I might actually have a doppleganger or something. Catfishing is the luring of somebody into an online friendship through a fake online persona. The fact that they stand directly in your path to get you to pay attention is infuriating. As such, I would say that this extends beyond the scope of etiquette. And then start conversations by talking to the people about what you are doing. He didn't think I was into him. You can either defend yourself (by saying something I live in an area where it’s an often occurrence to be approached by strangers or even people you barely know. ”, and they’d reply with things like “What are you doing here?” with that giant grin of theirs. true I don't understand what you're asking me. The people are shit. ”. You're probably good looking. I am constantly being told what to do and it is implied I owe everyone something. People in your circle may be very similar to you, and offer no advice that you haven't already considered. Something like volunteering, a class, a hobby. Normally they don't feel threatened by you if they approach you and it has more to do with body language, age, facial attractiveness and overall vibe. MOD. Whether I’m at work or just walking by, I hate when people ask me to take pictures of them, I hate being interrupted at whatever I’m doing, or even if I’m doing nothing, i don’t like to get out of my way to take a picture. Strangers (men) talking to me is not an issue for me. If you value them as human, then you might feel enough pity to give alms or aid in some way. Be genuine. For me that's the opposite of service. Probably due to the current "issue" occurring worldwide. She then told me that it's fine if I don't want to do it. It works on desktop as well as mobile. I always here people call me crackhead when I'm in public I don't Perhaps your demeanor or vibe lends people to feel comfortable touching you, I dunno. In this evaluation, they’re likely drawn to Why do you think people confide in acquaintances and strangers? I found three things. You may make someone uncomfortable and that's okay. I usually call strangers buddy, my dude, my guy, ma'am, sir, or sweetie. Dating is a process of getting to know someone both emotionally and physically. 240K subscribers in the firstimpression community. I say "uncomfortably" loosely but more of a I smoked and spontaneous plans were made and I had to go out in public without being mentally prepared kinda situation (IFYKYK) So anyhoo, I'm on vacation back in my hometown and don't really know anyone so I It's likely you notice it more for yourself than others. Sometimes it just, “you look super familiar. I'll be minding my own business, most likely just thinking about random shit, and people will ask me if I'm ok. I love helping strangers because you don’t know what is going on in there life so just to be nice to them and them Men and women. Normally I would think that it’s just a lame way to flirt with a woman. Almost every trip, some foreign (Italians, Brits, Swedes) tourists would ask for directions or other assistance in the subway. When you are asking for money just say "no", then walk away. They use whatsapp because they can't be reported as easy. I get people telling me they don't want to prepay because they've never been to my business before. They will then tell me I don't have to worry about that because they will show Understanding why others come to us for help lies at the core of human interaction and the connections we form. Keep holding your head up! 9. Wow, rainbow friendship unicorn power! Look at the heroes! They always have everything! It's too bad that the villains like me are always left alone whatever what they do. Its always really pleasant, and then my (boyfriend at the When you live with someone you always take risks. when i was skinny (5'8", 120 lbs), i got complimented on my appearance several times a day, and the breakdown was probably 60% male, 40% female. Do not harass or annoy others in any way. It's called small talk. Keep focusing on yourself man. It's a lack of commitment for the stranger. It can mean anything from being nothing more than an acknowledgement of somebody's presence to "I'm really concerned about you, let's talk", and as you've seen can also be a way of confronting somebody. If strangers ask about my mom, I just say she's doing fine, thanks for asking. I will get there at some point. So I explained to her that I am Australian (but with Swedish ancestry). or "My friends invited me to apple picking, but it seems like a lot of time in the dirt around strangers, where I won't even have a good data signal. I truly wonder what it is that makes people flock to me and wanting to ask me specifically of things. Not sure where you live but in most places I've seen, random strangers tend to mind their own business. Maybe they’re annoyed by a child and want to vent, so they take it out on the parents. That being said, the best thing to do is to find or jump in on a common interest. This happens to me at least once a Do you have a person who keeps on asking for money in your life? If so, take these steps to end the behavior and keep your own money. that's when I get concerned. Now if they are fine talking on the app they may just want to see some more pics. I’ve received this even after my body has changed. I’ve had strangers come up to me just to tell me I’m “pretty”. So my options are that if I don't super want to do it I should refuse. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games - Yes you can always talk with a stranger, and go on. That aside, if a stranger asks you a personal question and you don't want to answer, there's nothing wrong with something along the lines of "I'd rather not discuss that" Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games People of Reddit, why do people stare at me in public? I’m a guy who’s ok looking in my opinion, and every-time I go out, I get girls AND guys glancing/looking at me often. 10 votes, 20 comments. I decided people can’t hear me anyways so I’m not gonna waste my effort. Tons of videos and stories of strangers yanking kids out of the way of cars, bikes, etc. Four great friends made through small talk (on non-work time) with co-workers. It's usually bad intentions stay away from them (my two cents). If you are redirected to an instagram or other platform in a comment, it is most likely a scam. And I'll be like yeah I'm just living out really Yes! A smile can help so much. It's annoying as hell. 5 seconds, they make eye contact, whisper their friend, and then the friend People love to talk about themselves and if you are kind and genuine, they open up. I smile at strangers in public because Youth is wasted on the young. Continue being kind, it can mean a lot to some people. "I like your shoes". People here are misconstrued as rude because of that, but I have kind of come to the conclusion that there's a couple of reasons for this, such as: - You don't know the intentions of a stranger. NSFW. Top. Anonymously ask complete strangers questions that you are able to put in black and white is easier. r/INTP. r/mylittlesupportgroup in specific carries with it some other implications, namely that we're either interested in helping other people in our little makeshift community, or that we are seeking help. The #1 subreddit for Brits and non-Brits to ask questions about life and culture in the United Kingdom. I look familiar to everybody and I don't know why. Strangers are a total blank slate, whereas family will typically love you. I don't think the just go talk to strangers is good advice. Today I was asked where I am from out of nowhere by some lady. Tell me guys, why you, the public would look at a miniry. Always remember there is nothing wrong with you. Open comment sort options. I love when strangers ask me for a cigarette. But i dont even perv on them or talk to them. Everyone believes that someone else would help you, which leaves you with no one :/ People can be evil sometimes. she said that i looked sad and i responded politely and the interaction Leave the clown shoes at home. Plus, if you're willing to ask a girl out, you must be willing to get rejected. But why stop someone who is running to ask them the date? This is not a one time occurrence. I do care when someone responds, but it's more for the interaction itself. It's exhibitionism, plain and simple. I found them because they were rating a lot of trails I had previously been on. They keep giving you contradictory reasons to communicate outside the app. Many if then are "romance" scams. One of my roommates right now never takes out the trash. It's important to remember just how normal that is, and to keep trying your best. Misunderstanding is a big thing, i've come across people who become agressive and straight up insult me thinking i'm some arrogant dude when i genenely asking for an advice. However, anytime I'm out I always get approached by strangers who just spark conversation or open the door to talk to each other. And I usually feel like when I am getting complimented, people are just messing with me. Most people just make silly faces or compliment them. People don't seem to trust me as much because I look like a kid. I live in the DC area but (pre-CoVID) would spent 3-4 long weekends in NYC every year with my GF. For strangers it’s a clean and synchronized start for both of you while an existing friendship will have many set boundaries that need to I know right!!! Also my partner asked for help with something and I enthusiastically obliged. All from people I haven’t spoken to in a while. In general, people are more honest with strangers than with those they're close to, and the closer they are, the less honest they get. Some people get off on gossiping, and it's "better" to make fun of strangers than to make fun of people you actually know. Be firm but fair. But I'm always asked this question. salad_tongs_1. Introversion and shyness (personality Great happiness and deep peace of mind because of feeling very connected to and safe with people. Everyone wants something from me. [steps into your way so you have to go around them] "Hi! look at me being all genuine and happy and nice! Wanna hear about my shit!" Telegram is just a full featured comms platform. The streets are busy during this time and without fail I will always get approached by a stranger. About ten times in my life I've been asked by news crews to be interviewed about community events or whatever. We invite users to post interesting questions about the UK that create informative, good to read, insightful, helpful, or light-hearted discussions. I totally was. It’s quite confusing because some people have absolutely no trouble maintaining eye contact. I have had way too many men react with anger and aggression. Without asking where you live, this seems a bit strange. And the more important they were, the more I'd worry. It means they're having a good day and want other people to have a good day too. If they don't have something indicating interest 8chanty. It's so frustrating. You know that you don't carry cash, but they don't. Perhaps your past fear of dogs has made you more thoughtful and intentional about how you approach dogs, which many "non-friendly" dogs really appreciate. P. This includes any lying or deceit. He was probably not taking a picture of you but of something else. This happens to me when I'm out with my young kids. I'm a bit of a homebody introvert, but I do want to try new things. And everyone starts out as a stranger. Studies show that people are Instead of asking for advice, turn to actual experts. It's awkward at first and that's okay. So I (24F) work in a CBD and often leave the office to get lunch or a coffee. I also remind myself that their behavior is not about me, it's about them. Once he brought a fat joint to smoke + my friends partied at his house once. If someone looks like they have money more people will ask for it. I’ve been working a hospitality job for years where small talk with customers is part of the job and they’re always asking me if I have kids, when I’m having kids, how many kids I want, and when I made the mistake of saying I don’t want them, they’d argue with me. I she didn’t want anything from me. robert323. The friendlier part of Reddit. It's usually older, grandmotherly types but when I was recently in the hospital overnight, every single nurse called me one of the above names. it’s weird that unknown people call strangers that many times. 2/10, wouldn't recommend. It's a career for bullies and power-mad inadequates. Award. •. • 12 yr. dontmindmefren. They are the exception to the rule, not the majority of As long as they don't touch my children, purposely try to get my child's attention when they've looked away, or offer anything to them I love it. As they pull out a card reader. this is what happened: i was in the grocery store parking lot putting my cart back in the queue, about to leave, when a girl got out of her car to ask me if i was okay. That's the kind of compliment that a friend or a crush or a SO can give, but not really a stranger. New About Reddit; Advertise; Help; Blog; Careers; Press; Communities; Best of Reddit; Topics; Content Random guys wanna fight me. now that i'm fat, i get complimented on my appearance maybe once or twice a month and only by females. stranger interactions are for the most part very nice and make me feel charmed and happy. 2. I’ve declined random people requesting to pray for me. I always take it negatively and assume that People who regularly attend the funerals of random strangers, why do you do it? Just for clarity, I don't mean people who's jobs require them to be at funerals. If you wanna go and beat eachother to death don't do it in a public place, Or people have the right to break it up. Not only are they treated better because their good looks, but usually have more confidence because of it. el_blacksheep. Entitlement. There are also alot of "investors" with crypto on whatsapp, anther scam. Often times, people also make intense eye contact with me which I don't understand either. Triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. Makes me feel alien. Never allow a stranger to touch your phone. They love watching people crumple, so they gravitate to those who they think won't try to defend themselves. df bc sv fu rh eh dz pi xm ic